Perl is an excellent programming language that is regularly used for creating CGI scripts as well as various web-based apps. Among its major advantages is that it works with modules - ready-made batches of code that are used to perform multiple tasks and to extend the performance of a certain script without clogging it with unnecessary lines of program code. In other words, when five processess should be executed, you'll be able to employ five lines of program code in order to call each one of the modules rather than adding hundreds of lines used to create the actual modules within your script. Perl is really useful and it can be used for a number of purposes, so a wide range of companies have included it in their web products or on their resource-demanding websites - cPanel, IMDB, Craigslist, BugZilla, BBC and a lot more. It is often used in addition to other languages for example PHP or Python.
Perl Scripting in Shared Hosting
You're able to use CGI scripts and applications written in Perl with all of our shared hosting as we have a rich library more than 3000 modules present on our custom-made cloud website hosting platform in order to ensure that all of the dependencies for a custom or a ready-made script are there whenever you need them. You'll be able to execute a .pl file in two separate ways - either manually through your site, or automatically via a cron job that will run a certain file regularly. In case the plan that you've purchased does not come with cron jobs included, you can easily include as many as you would like through the Upgrades menu in your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel. Also, you have to ensure that the script file is provided with the proper executable permissions. With our shared plans, you will be able to build a site with as many functions and features as you'd like.